Dear customers, our company can provide you with such a service as CASCO. You insure the car during the rental period from any troubles that may arise on the road and during parking.
CASCO insurance is:
1. You have stolen a car, the insurance company will pay you the cost of the car.
2. You have an accident, the insurance company will repair your damaged car.
3. You lost control and pulled into a ditch, the insurance company will repair your car.
4. Ice fell from the roof onto your car, the insurance company will repair it.
5. In the parking lot, you stole a mirror or scratched a car, the insurance company will repair your car.
6. A stone on the road broke your glass or a headlight cracked, the insurance company will repair your car.
7. Etc.
Advantages of CASCO:
1. You paid once for the period of using the car, and during this time CASCO pays for you.
2. In the event of an accident on the road, it does NOT matter if you are to blame or not.
3. Having bought CASCO insurance, you get a feeling of security and tranquility.